I am Melanie Barrett, otherwise know as 30A Swim Dog!
I have a degree in journalism from the University of Georgia and have been a television and newspaper reporter, and have written for magazines in the past. I also had a photography business for over a decade.
But most important to me now, is the work I do with animals!
I am a native Floridian and my love for animals goes back to the age of 6, when I got my first dog–a long-haired dachsund–because I finally quit sucking my thumb!
Since then I have had mice, a gerbil, hamsters, dogs, cats, birds, a duck, a chicken from Key West, horses and bunnies.
I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was young. But when I realized I would have to cut an animal to do surgery, or give vaccinations or put one to sleep, I knew I couldn’t do any of that!
So I pursued my journalism degree, which I enjoyed at the time. I was a reporter for tv stations and newspapers.
I became certified as a canine aqua therapist in 2013, having a pool built specifically for this. I swim dogs for exercise, for hip dysplasia, post ACL surgery, low self confidence, torn ACLs, etc. Swimming is so good for most any injury because it is a non impact exercise. cancer surgery, arthritis, muscular injuries, behavior issues and more.